Warrior Women

I met a woman at the Walmart today. A Cashier. A kind, Humble looking woman. Soft Spoken.  A full 9 months pregnant working standing on her feet hour after hour..in order to support her family. The obvious agony from the burden of carrying a new life on her face. Still..she persists. We chatted for a … Continue reading Warrior Women

In and Out of Time….

The sun has come.The mist has gone.We see in the distance…our long way home.I was always yours to have.You were always mine.We have loved each other in and out of time.When the first stone looked up at the blazing sunand the first tree struggled up from the forest floorI had always loved you more.You freed … Continue reading In and Out of Time….

The Cog in The Wheel…

Most days when you wake up, I bet you probably feel..insignificant. Going about the business of your daily life, feeling. As if you were just another Cog…in the wheel. Guess what? You are more significant than you may ever know. All the little menial tasks that seem redundant to you..are helping to make our world..keep … Continue reading The Cog in The Wheel…

Tear it Down…

Blockages, Barriers, Walls… Tearing them all Down. Even though He hurt me.. Even though She hurt me.. Even though They All..hurt me.. I’m tearing these things down anyway.. Because they have been keeping me.. As a prisoner..in my own life. I am made of Love You..are made of…Love Tear Down the walls..despite the pain… And … Continue reading Tear it Down…